[ULTIMATE GUIDE] to Wording on Wedding Thank You Cards!

Written by: Dalia Abdalla



Time to read 31 min

Wording on Wedding Thank You Cards

As an experienced wedding planner, I know how important it is to say thank you to your guests with thoughtful cards. In this blog post, I'll give you tips for wording on wedding thank you cards. We'll talk about greeting them warmly, thanking them for coming, and for any gifts they gave you. Whether you're a bride or groom planning your big day, learning how to write these cards will make your loved ones feel special and appreciated. Come with me on this journey to create thank you cards that show your gratitude, and we'll keep it simple and easy to read, just like a 5th grader can understand.

Shop the perfect wedding thank you gifts below!

First, let's break down the basics of what you should include in a wedding message:

Above is an example of a very well written thank you message:

1. Greeting: Start your thank you card with a warm and heartfelt greeting. You can use "Dear [Guest's Name]," or a more informal greeting if that suits your style.

2. Express Gratitude: Begin your message by expressing your sincere gratitude for the guest's attendance and support on your special day. Use words like "thank you," "grateful," and "appreciate" to convey your feelings.

3. Mention the Gift: If the guest brought a gift, specifically mention the gift in your message. Be sure to acknowledge the thought and effort they put into choosing it. For example, "We loved the beautiful vase you gave us."

4. Highlight Their Presence: Emphasize the importance of their presence at the wedding. Let them know how much it meant to you to have them there to share in your joy and celebration.

5. Personal Touch: Add a personal touch by referencing a specific moment or memory from the wedding that involved the guest. This shows that you genuinely appreciated their presence.

6. Mention the Relationship: Recognize your relationship with the guest. You can say something like, "It means the world to us that you've been a part of our lives," to make the message more personal.

7. Look to the Future: Express your excitement about the future and how you're looking forward to more shared moments and memories with the guest.

8. Closing: Close your message with a warm and sincere closing. Common options include "With love," "Warm regards," or "Yours truly." Sign your names or use your preferred closing signature.

9. Additional Notes: If you have space, you can include additional notes, such as a mention of any upcoming events or a promise to stay in touch.

10. P.S. (Optional): If you want to add a personal touch, consider including a postscript (P.S.) at the end of the card. This could be a short, handwritten message or a fun anecdote related to your wedding.


Need Wedding Thank You Cards? My Absolute Favorites Are Shown Below:

Etiquette for Thank You Cards

  1. Timing:

    • Ideally, you should send out your wedding thank you cards within three months of your wedding. However, it's better late than never, so if you miss this timeline, still send them out as soon as you can.
  2. Personalization:

    • Address each thank you card personally to the recipient. Use their names and make an effort to handwrite each card rather than using a preprinted message.
  3. Be Specific:

    • Mention the gift or gesture that the recipient gave you, and be specific about what you appreciate. For example, instead of simply saying "Thank you for the gift," you can say something like "Thank you for the beautiful crystal vase. It's a lovely addition to our home."
  4. Express Gratitude:

    • Begin your thank you message with a warm expression of gratitude. You can start with phrases like "We are so grateful for..." or "We want to express our heartfelt thanks for..."
  5. Mention Their Presence:

    • If the guest attended your wedding, express your gratitude for their presence. You can say something like, "Having you at our wedding made our day even more special."
  6. Be Sincere:

    • Be genuine in your thank you message. Let your emotions come through in your words. Authenticity is key to showing your appreciation.
  7. Keep It Concise:

    • While it's important to be sincere, you should also keep your thank you message concise and to the point. Avoid writing long paragraphs or overly detailed explanations.
  8. Closing:

    • Close your thank you card with a warm closing, such as "With love and appreciation," or "Sincerely." Sign the card with both your names or your first names if you prefer.
  9. Multiple Gifts:

    • If someone gave you multiple gifts or gestures, mention each one separately in your thank you card. This shows that you noticed and appreciated each individual item or act of kindness.
  10. Group Gifts:

    • If you received a group gift from several people, it's acceptable to thank them collectively. You can say something like, "Thank you to you and your group for the generous gift."
  11. Acknowledge Help:

    • If someone went out of their way to help with your wedding preparations or contributed significantly, acknowledge their efforts in your thank you card.
  12. Thank Everyone:

    • Remember to send thank you cards to everyone who attended your wedding, even if they didn't bring a gift. Express your gratitude for their presence and support.
  13. Keep Records:

    • Keep track of the gifts and gestures you receive, along with the names of the guests. This will help you write personalized thank you cards more easily.


 best wedding thank you cards

General Pre-written Wedding Thank You Messages

  1. "Dear [Name], Your presence at our wedding was an honor, and we want to express our deepest gratitude for celebrating this joyous occasion with us."

  2. "Dear [Name], We are truly touched by your presence on our special day. Your support and good wishes have filled our hearts with happiness."

  3. "Dear [Name], Please accept our sincere thanks for joining us at our wedding. Your presence added elegance and warmth to the celebration."

  4. "Dear [Name], We wanted to extend our heartfelt appreciation for your attendance at our wedding. Your graciousness and support made it a truly memorable day."

  5. "Dear [Name], Your presence at our wedding was a testament to the cherished relationships we hold dear. Thank you for being a part of this significant moment in our lives."

  6. "Dear [Name], We are profoundly grateful for your attendance at our wedding. Your well wishes and presence made our day even more special."

  7. "Dear [Name], On behalf of [Spouse's Name] and myself, we want to convey our deep gratitude for your presence at our wedding. Your participation added an extra layer of joy to our celebration."

  8. "Dear [Name], We are so appreciative of your presence at our wedding. Your support and kind words made our day truly unforgettable."

  9. "Dear [Name], We wanted to express our sincere thanks for attending our wedding. Your presence was an integral part of our beautiful day, and we are grateful for your support."

  10. "Dear [Name], Your attendance at our wedding was an honor, and we want to convey our heartfelt thanks for being a part of this significant milestone in our lives."

  11. "Dear [Name], Your presence at our wedding was a source of great joy for us. We are deeply thankful for your love and support on this special day."

  12. "Dear [Name], We extend our warmest thanks for gracing our wedding with your presence. Your support and well wishes mean the world to us."

  13. "Dear [Name], Your attendance at our wedding was a cherished gift. We are humbled by your presence and deeply grateful for your good wishes."

  14. "Dear [Name], We want to express our profound gratitude for your presence at our wedding. Your warmth and support made our day truly remarkable."

  15. "Dear [Name], Your presence at our wedding was a symbol of the enduring friendships we hold dear. Thank you for sharing in our joy and making our day even more special."


 thank you message for wedding guests

Thank You Messages For Each Relationship

Parents of the Bride and Groom:

  1. "Dear Mom and Dad, Your unwavering love and support have been the bedrock of our lives. Your contributions to our wedding made it a day we'll treasure forever. With heartfelt thanks."

  2. "To the Parents of the Bride and Groom, Your enduring love and guidance have been our pillars. Your generosity for our wedding touched our hearts deeply. We are forever grateful."

  3. "Dear [Mom's Name] and [Dad's Name], Your love and support are beyond measure. Your contributions to our wedding made it the beautiful day it was. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts."

  4. "To Our Amazing Parents, Your belief in us has been our greatest gift. Thank you for making our wedding day a reality and for always being our biggest supporters."

  5. "Dear [Parents' Names], Your love has been our guiding light. Your financial and emotional contributions to our wedding were truly appreciated. We love you deeply."

  6. "To Our Wonderful Parents, Your love is our greatest blessing. Thank you for making our wedding day a cherished memory filled with love, laughter, and joy."

  7. "Dear [Mom's Name] and [Dad's Name], Your love and support are the cornerstones of our lives. Your contributions to our wedding were truly appreciated, and we are forever grateful."

  8. "To Our Beloved Parents, Your love and support made our wedding day unforgettable. Your contributions, both big and small, filled our hearts with gratitude and happiness."

  9. "Dear Mom and Dad, Your guidance and love have shaped us into who we are today. We can't thank you enough for making our wedding day perfect in every way."

  10. "To Our Parents, Your love and support made our wedding day unforgettable. Your contributions, both big and small, filled our hearts with gratitude and happiness."


  1. "Dear [Grandparents' Names], Your wisdom and presence at our wedding meant the world to us. Your enduring love and the effort you made to be here touched our hearts deeply."

  2. "To Our Beloved Grandparents, Your presence added a special layer of warmth and wisdom to our wedding day. Thank you for traveling to celebrate with us."

  3. "Dear [Grandparents' Names], Having you at our wedding was a cherished gift. Your love and experience are treasures we hold dear. Thank you for being a part of our joy."

  4. "To Our Wonderful Grandparents, Your support and blessings are invaluable to us. We are deeply thankful for your presence at our wedding, making it even more special."

  5. "Dear [Grandparents' Names], Your enduring love and the effort to be with us on our wedding day are memories we will forever cherish. Thank you for being there."

  6. "To Our Dear Grandparents, Your presence at our wedding was a testament to the strength of our family bonds. Thank you for sharing in our joy and making our day memorable."

  7. "Dear [Grandparents' Names], Your wisdom and love are gifts that continue to enrich our lives. Your attendance at our wedding was a blessing beyond words. Thank you."

  8. "To Our Beloved Grandparents, Your love and wisdom are a source of inspiration. We are profoundly grateful for your presence and the memories we created on our wedding day."

  9. "Dear [Grandparents' Names], Your love spans generations, and your presence at our wedding was a symbol of family unity. Thank you for making our day truly special."

  10. "To Our Treasured Grandparents, Your love, stories, and guidance have shaped our lives. Your presence at our wedding added grace and love to the celebration. With heartfelt thanks."

Flower Girl and Ring Bearer:

  1. "Dear [Flower Girl's Name] and [Ring Bearer's Name], Your presence added an adorable touch to our wedding ceremony. Thank you for sprinkling our day with charm and sweetness."

  2. "To Our Lovely Flower Girl and Ring Bearer, Your smiles and innocence made our wedding ceremony even more special. We are grateful for your role in our joyous day."

  3. "Dear [Flower Girl's Name] and [Ring Bearer's Name], Your role in our wedding was absolutely precious. Thank you for being our little stars on this big day."

  4. "To Our Adorable Flower Girl and Ring Bearer, Your walk down the aisle brought smiles and happiness to everyone's faces. Thank you for making our wedding ceremony unforgettable."

  5. "Dear [Flower Girl's Name] and [Ring Bearer's Name], Your cuteness and enthusiasm stole the show at our wedding. We appreciate your role in adding joy to our special day."

  6. "To Our Darling Flower Girl and Ring Bearer, Your presence was a delight at our wedding. Thank you for being a part of our beautiful day and making it even more special."

  7. "Dear [Flower Girl's Name] and [Ring Bearer's Name], Your innocence and charm made our wedding ceremony unforgettable. Thank you for being such an important part of our day."

  8. "To Our Precious Flower Girl and Ring Bearer, Your walk down the aisle brought tears of joy to our eyes. Your role in our wedding was truly heartwarming. Thank you."

  9. "Dear [Flower Girl's Name] and [Ring Bearer's Name], Your roles as our little stars added a touch of magic to our wedding day. We are grateful for your presence and smiles."

  10. "To Our Sweet Flower Girl and Ring Bearer, Your participation in our wedding ceremony filled our hearts with happiness. Thank you for being such a cherished part of our special day."


  1. "Dear Officiant/Celebrant, Your guidance and warmth during our ceremony created a meaningful and unforgettable experience. We appreciate your role in joining our lives together."

  2. "To Our Officiant/Celebrant, Your words and presence made our wedding ceremony truly special. Thank you for leading us into this new chapter of our lives."

  3. "Dear [Officiant/Celebrant's Name], Your guidance and the beautiful ceremony you conducted will always be remembered with gratitude. You played a vital role in our special day."

  4. "To Our Officiant/Celebrant, Your wisdom and grace shone through during our ceremony. We are thankful for your role in uniting us in love and commitment."

  5. "Dear [Officiant/Celebrant's Name], Your words and conduct during our ceremony were heartfelt and meaningful. Thank you for guiding us into this new journey together."

  6. "To Our Revered Officiant/Celebrant, Your presence and guidance made our wedding day sacred and unforgettable. We are deeply appreciative of your role in our union."

  7. "Dear [Officiant/Celebrant's Name], Your eloquent words and conduct during our ceremony were a beautiful reflection of our love. Thank you for being a part of our special day."

  8. "To Our Beloved Officiant/Celebrant, Your role in our wedding ceremony will forever be cherished. Your guidance and grace made our day truly memorable. Thank you."

  9. "Dear Officiant/Celebrant, Your conduct of our ceremony was a reflection of your deep understanding of love and commitment. We are grateful for your role in our wedding."

  10. "To Our Reverend Officiant/Celebrant, Your presence during our ceremony added a sense of solemnity and beauty. Thank you for your wisdom and guidance on our special day."


  1. "Dear Ushers, Your assistance in seating our guests with kindness and grace was truly appreciated. Thank you for your role in making our wedding day run smoothly."

  2. "To Our Ushers, Your welcoming smiles and helpful gestures made our guests feel at ease. Thank you for your invaluable support on our wedding day."

  3. "Dear Ushers, Your courteous and efficient service in helping our guests find their seats added a touch of elegance to our wedding. We are grateful for your contributions."

  4. "To Our Ushers, Your professionalism and friendliness during our wedding were commendable. Thank you for ensuring that our guests were well taken care of."

  5. "Dear Ushers, Your attention to detail and assistance with seating made our wedding ceremony seamless. We appreciate your dedication to ensuring our guests' comfort."

  6. "To Our Ushers, Your role in helping our guests find their way added to the warmth and hospitality of our wedding. Thank you for being an important part of our special day."

  7. "Dear Ushers, Your organization and poise in assisting our guests were truly remarkable. Thank you for your contributions to our wedding day."

  8. "To Our Ushers, Your efficiency and courtesy during our wedding ceremony were outstanding. We are thankful for your role in creating a welcoming atmosphere."

  9. "Dear Ushers, Your friendly and helpful demeanor made our guests feel valued and welcomed. Your contributions to our wedding were greatly appreciated."

  10. "To Our Ushers, Your role in ensuring our guests' comfort and enjoyment added to the overall success of our wedding day. Thank you for your impeccable service."

Readers or Performers:

  1. "Dear [Reader/Performer's Name], Your heartfelt reading/performance added depth and emotion to our ceremony. We are grateful for your meaningful contribution to our wedding."

  2. "To Our Talented [Reader/Performer's Name], Your beautiful reading/performance resonated with our hearts and the hearts of our guests. Thank you for making our ceremony so special."

  3. "Dear [Reader/Performer's Name], Your reading/performance touched our souls and brought an extra layer of meaning to our wedding. We are thankful for your talent and presence."

  4. "To Our Gifted [Reader/Performer's Name], Your contribution added a unique and memorable element to our ceremony. Your words/music were a beautiful part of our special day."

  5. "Dear [Reader/Performer's Name], Your reading/performance was a highlight of our ceremony. Thank you for sharing your talent and creating a memorable moment for us and our guests."

  6. "To Our Exceptional [Reader/Performer's Name], Your reading/performance was a testament to your artistry and passion. We appreciate the beauty you brought to our wedding."

  7. "Dear [Reader/Performer's Name], Your reading/performance was a reflection of the love and emotion we felt on our wedding day. Thank you for your heartfelt contribution."

  8. "To Our Inspirational [Reader/Performer's Name], Your words/music touched our hearts and created a lasting memory. We are grateful for your role in our wedding ceremony."

  9. "Dear [Reader/Performer's Name], Your reading/performance added a layer of depth and emotion to our ceremony that we will always cherish. Thank you for your beautiful contribution."

  10. "To Our Wonderful [Reader/Performer's Name], Your talent and dedication added an extra layer of magic to our wedding day. Your reading/performance was truly exceptional."

Wedding Planner/Coordinator:

  1. "Dear Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your expertise and attention to detail made our wedding day flawless. We couldn't have done it without you. Thank you for turning our vision into reality."

  2. "To Our Incredible Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your tireless efforts and dedication ensured that our wedding day was perfect. We are immensely grateful for your guidance and support."

  3. "Dear [Planner/Coordinator's Name], Your calm and organized approach alleviated our stress and allowed us to fully enjoy our wedding day. Thank you for making everything run smoothly."

  4. "To Our Exceptional Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your creativity and problem-solving skills transformed our ideas into a beautiful reality. Thank you for orchestrating our dream wedding."

  5. "Dear [Planner/Coordinator's Name], Your expertise and meticulous planning made our wedding day a seamless and stress-free experience. We appreciate your dedication to making it perfect."

  6. "To Our Wonderful Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your attention to every detail, big and small, made our wedding day absolutely perfect. We are thankful for your hard work and dedication."

  7. "Dear [Planner/Coordinator's Name], Your dedication to making our wedding day a success was evident in every aspect. Thank you for your professionalism and for ensuring everything ran smoothly."

  8. "To Our Outstanding Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your creativity and expertise turned our dreams into reality. Thank you for making our wedding day a truly magical experience."

  9. "Dear [Planner/Coordinator's Name], Your guidance and support throughout the planning process were invaluable. You played a crucial role in making our wedding day a success, and we are grateful."

  10. "To Our Amazing Wedding Planner/Coordinator, Your organizational skills and attention to detail made our wedding day unforgettable. Thank you for making it a day to remember."

Photographer and Videographer:

  1. "Dear Photographer and Videographer, Your talent in capturing the essence of our wedding day was remarkable. We are grateful for the beautiful memories you've preserved for us."

  2. "To Our Skilled Photographer and Videographer, Your work has given us a treasure trove of memories to relive for years to come. Thank you for your artistic contributions to our wedding."

  3. "Dear [Photographer's Name] and [Videographer's Name], Your keen eye and creativity in capturing our wedding moments were outstanding. We appreciate the beautiful memories you've provided us."

  4. "To Our Talented Photographer and Videographer, Your ability to capture the emotions and details of our wedding was truly exceptional. We are thankful for your artistic talent."

  5. "Dear [Photographer's Name] and [Videographer's Name], Your photographs and videos are a testament to your skill and dedication. Thank you for preserving the magic of our wedding day."

  6. "To Our Wonderful Photographer and Videographer, Your work has given us the gift of reliving our wedding day. We appreciate the care and artistry you put into documenting our special moments."

  7. "Dear [Photographer's Name] and [Videographer's Name], Your photographs and videos are more than just images; they are cherished memories that we will treasure forever. Thank you for your talent."

  8. "To Our Exceptional Photographer and Videographer, Your ability to capture the essence of our wedding day left us in awe. We are grateful for the beautiful keepsakes you've provided us."

  9. "Dear [Photographer's Name] and [Videographer's Name], Your photographs and videos are a testament to your dedication and creativity. Thank you for beautifully preserving our wedding memories."

  10. "To Our Skilled Photographer and Videographer, Your attention to detail and artistic vision captured the magic of our wedding day. We are grateful for the memories you've given us."

Caterer and Servers:

  1. "Dear Caterer and Servers, Your culinary expertise and impeccable service were the highlights of our wedding. Thank you for delighting our guests with delicious food and flawless execution."

  2. "To Our Fantastic Caterer and Servers, Your dedication to providing exquisite food and outstanding service made our wedding reception a memorable culinary experience. We are truly grateful."

  3. "Dear [Caterer's Name] and the Serving Team, Your culinary creations and attentive service exceeded our expectations. Thank you for making our wedding reception a gourmet delight."

  4. "To Our Exceptional Caterer and Servers, Your culinary talents and professionalism shone brightly at our wedding. We appreciate the delicious meals and seamless service you provided."

  5. "Dear [Caterer's Name] and the Service Team, Your attention to detail and commitment to excellence made our wedding reception a gastronomic success. Thank you for your culinary artistry."

  6. "To Our Wonderful Caterer and Servers, Your delicious food and impeccable service left a lasting impression on our guests. Thank you for contributing to the culinary magic of our wedding."

  7. "Dear [Caterer's Name] and the Serving Team, Your culinary creations were a feast for the senses. We are thankful for the delectable dishes and impeccable service you provided at our wedding."

  8. "To Our Outstanding Caterer and Servers, Your dedication to culinary excellence and attentive service made our wedding reception a gourmet delight. Thank you for exceeding our expectations."

  9. "Dear [Caterer's Name] and the Service Team, Your commitment to culinary perfection and top-notch service made our wedding reception truly exceptional. We are grateful for your contributions."

  10. "To Our Skilled Caterer and Servers, Your culinary talents added a delightful dimension to our wedding celebration. Thank you for making our special day a culinary masterpiece."


  1. "Dear Musicians/DJ, Your music set the perfect tone for our wedding and kept the dance floor alive. Thank you for creating an unforgettable soundtrack to our special day."

  2. "To Our Talented Musicians/DJ, Your music selection and energy transformed our wedding into a lively celebration. We appreciate the fantastic atmosphere you created."

  3. "Dear [Musician's/DJ's Name], Your musical talents and ability to keep our guests dancing were outstanding. Thank you for making our wedding reception so enjoyable."

  4. "To Our Amazing Musicians/DJ, Your music filled our hearts with joy and set the mood for a fantastic celebration. We are grateful for the unforgettable melodies and beats."

  5. "Dear [Musician's/DJ's Name], Your music was the heartbeat of our wedding, and it kept everyone on their feet. Thank you for creating an electric atmosphere."

  6. "To Our Exceptional Musicians/DJ, Your music selection and performance were spot-on, making our wedding day truly special. We appreciate your talent and energy."

  7. "Dear [Musician's/DJ's Name], Your music made our wedding day magical. We are thankful for the incredible vibes and memories you provided."

  8. "To Our Talented Musicians/DJ, Your music was the soul of our wedding celebration. Thank you for infusing joy and rhythm into our special day."

  9. "Dear [Musician's/DJ's Name], Your musical talents and ability to keep the party going were exceptional. We are grateful for the fantastic tunes that made our wedding unforgettable."

  10. "To Our Skilled Musicians/DJ, Your music was the soundtrack to our love story on our wedding day. Thank you for creating a joyful atmosphere that we'll always cherish."

Venue Hosts/Owners:

  1. "Dear Venue Hosts/Owners, Your beautiful location provided the perfect backdrop for our wedding. Thank you for sharing your venue with us and making our day truly magical."

  2. "To Our Gracious Venue Hosts/Owners, Your venue was a dream come true for our wedding. We are grateful for your hospitality and for making our day so picturesque."

  3. "Dear [Venue Host's/Owner's Name], Your venue set the stage for our love story to unfold on our wedding day. Thank you for sharing your beautiful space with us."

  4. "To Our Wonderful Venue Hosts/Owners, Your venue was the canvas for our wedding dreams. We appreciate your generosity and for allowing us to create lasting memories."

  5. "Dear [Venue Host's/Owner's Name], Your venue provided the perfect atmosphere for our wedding celebration. Thank you for hosting our special day in such a stunning location."

  6. "To Our Exceptional Venue Hosts/Owners, Your venue was the ideal setting for our wedding. We are grateful for your support and for making our day so remarkable."

  7. "Dear [Venue Host's/Owner's Name], Your venue added a touch of elegance and beauty to our wedding day. Thank you for your generosity and for providing us with a breathtaking setting."

  8. "To Our Gracious Venue Hosts/Owners, Your venue became the heart of our wedding celebration. We appreciate your kindness and for making our day truly unforgettable."

  9. "Dear [Venue Host's/Owner's Name], Your venue was the stuff of dreams for our wedding day. Thank you for allowing us to create magical memories in such a magnificent space."

  10. "To Our Amazing Venue Hosts/Owners, Your venue was the perfect place for our love story to unfold. We are grateful for your generosity and for making our wedding day so enchanting."

Transportation Providers:

  1. "Dear Transportation Providers, Your safe and reliable services ensured that our guests arrived at our wedding with ease. Thank you for contributing to the smooth flow of our special day."

  2. "To Our Trusted Transportation Providers, Your professionalism and punctuality made transportation worry-free for our guests. We are grateful for your role in ensuring everyone's comfort."

  3. "Dear [Transportation Provider's Name], Your commitment to getting our guests to our wedding safely and on time was much appreciated. Thank you for your dependable service."

  4. "To Our Outstanding Transportation Providers, Your efficient and courteous service added convenience to our wedding day. We appreciate your dedication to our guests' comfort."

  5. "Dear [Transportation Provider's Name], Your transportation services played a vital role in making our wedding day seamless. Thank you for ensuring our guests' arrival and departure went smoothly."

  6. "To Our Reliable Transportation Providers, Your attention to detail and prompt service made our wedding logistics stress-free. We are thankful for your contributions to our special day."

  7. "Dear [Transportation Provider's Name], Your services were a key part of the success of our wedding day. Thank you for making sure our guests arrived safely and on time."

  8. "To Our Exceptional Transportation Providers, Your role in providing transportation for our wedding guests was crucial. We are grateful for your professionalism and reliability."

  9. "Dear [Transportation Provider's Name], Your dedication to ensuring the comfort and convenience of our guests did not go unnoticed. Thank you for your valuable contributions."

  10. "To Our Trusted Transportation Providers, Your services were instrumental in ensuring that our guests were well taken care of. We appreciate your role in making our day memorable."

Guest Book Attendant:

  1. "Dear Guest Book Attendant, Your attention to detail in managing our guest book allowed us to capture the warm wishes of our loved ones. Thank you for helping us preserve these precious memories."

  2. "To Our Diligent Guest Book Attendant, Your role in collecting heartfelt messages from our guests made our wedding even more special. We are thankful for your dedication."

  3. "Dear [Guest Book Attendant's Name], Your meticulous record-keeping of our guests' well-wishes was a meaningful touch to our wedding. We appreciate your care and commitment."

  4. "To Our Wonderful Guest Book Attendant, Your role in managing the guest book allowed us to create a keepsake filled with love and good wishes. Thank you for your attention to detail."

  5. "Dear [Guest Book Attendant's Name], Your dedication to ensuring that every guest had a chance to share their wishes in our guest book was invaluable. We are grateful for your contribution."

  6. "To Our Exceptional Guest Book Attendant, Your meticulous record-keeping and warm interactions with our guests made our guest book a treasure of memories. Thank you."

  7. "Dear [Guest Book Attendant's Name], Your thoughtful presence at our guest book table added a personal touch to our wedding. We are thankful for your role in collecting our guests' messages."

  8. "To Our Attentive Guest Book Attendant, Your commitment to preserving the well-wishes of our loved ones made our guest book a cherished keepsake. We appreciate your efforts."

  9. "Dear [Guest Book Attendant's Name], Your role in managing the guest book allowed us to capture the love and support of our guests in a beautiful way. Thank you for your meticulous work."

  10. "To Our Gracious Guest Book Attendant, Your presence at our guest book table was much appreciated. Thank you for helping us create a meaningful keepsake of our special day."

Hair and Makeup Artists:

  1. "Dear Hair and Makeup Artists, Your talent and expertise in enhancing our natural beauty made us feel like royalty on our wedding day. Thank you for helping us look and feel our best."

  2. "To Our Skilled Hair and Makeup Artists, Your creativity and attention to detail in transforming us for our wedding were exceptional. We are grateful for your artistry."

  3. "Dear [Hair Artist's Name] and [Makeup Artist's Name], Your skills and professionalism in making us look our best on our wedding day did not go unnoticed. Thank you for your exceptional work."

  4. "To Our Talented Hair and Makeup Artists, Your magic with brushes and hairpins made us feel confident and beautiful on our special day. We appreciate your artistry."

  5. "Dear [Hair Artist's Name] and [Makeup Artist's Name], Your expertise in creating our wedding looks exceeded our expectations. Thank you for making us feel gorgeous and radiant."

  6. "To Our Exceptional Hair and Makeup Artists, Your attention to detail and ability to bring out our best features were truly remarkable. We are thankful for your contributions to our wedding day."

  7. "Dear [Hair Artist's Name] and [Makeup Artist's Name], Your dedication to making us look our best made our wedding day even more special. Thank you for your artistry and care."

  8. "To Our Wonderful Hair and Makeup Artists, Your talent in enhancing our beauty was evident in every detail. We are grateful for your skillful hands and creative vision."

  9. "Dear [Hair Artist's Name] and [Makeup Artist's Name], Your expertise in the world of beauty transformed us into the best versions of ourselves on our wedding day. Thank you for your exceptional work."

  10. "To Our Skilled Hair and Makeup Artists, Your artistry was a vital part of our wedding day. Your talent in making us look and feel beautiful was truly appreciated."


  1. "Dear Bartenders, Your expertise in crafting cocktails and keeping the drinks flowing added a lively element to our wedding celebration. Thank you for your excellent service."

  2. "To Our Fantastic Bartenders, Your skill in mixing drinks and your friendly demeanor made our wedding reception an enjoyable experience for our guests. We appreciate your contributions."

  3. "Dear [Bartender's Name] and the Bartending Team, Your professionalism and ability to cater to our guests' drink preferences were commendable. Thank you for your excellent service."

  4. "To Our Amazing Bartenders, Your bartending skills and friendly interactions with our guests created a vibrant atmosphere at our wedding. We are grateful for your excellent service."

  5. "Dear [Bartender's Name] and the Bartending Team, Your expertise in tending the bar was a highlight of our wedding reception. Thank you for keeping our guests in high spirits."

  6. "To Our Exceptional Bartenders, Your creative cocktails and top-notch service elevated our wedding celebration. We appreciate your dedication to ensuring our guests had a great time."

  7. "Dear [Bartender's Name] and the Bartending Team, Your attention to detail in crafting drinks and your ability to keep up with the demands of our guests were truly impressive. Thank you."

  8. "To Our Talented Bartenders, Your friendly and efficient service behind the bar added to the overall enjoyment of our wedding. We are thankful for your contributions."

  9. "Dear [Bartender's Name] and the Bartending Team, Your expertise in mixing drinks and your warm interactions with our guests made our wedding reception memorable. Thank you for your exceptional service."

  10. "To Our Skilled Bartenders, Your bartending skills added a special touch to our wedding celebration. We appreciate your professionalism and friendly demeanor."


  1. "Dear Decorators and Florists, Your creative vision and attention to detail transformed our wedding venue into a breathtaking masterpiece. Thank you for making our day so beautifully memorable."

  2. "To Our Talented Decorators and Florists, Your artistic talents in creating a stunning ambiance for our wedding were beyond our expectations. We are grateful for your exquisite work."

  3. "Dear [Decorator's Name] and [Florist's Name], Your meticulous decoration and gorgeous floral arrangements added an enchanting touch to our wedding. Thank you for your exceptional work."

  4. "To Our Exceptional Decorators and Florists, Your ability to turn our ideas into a visually stunning reality left us in awe. We appreciate the beauty you brought to our special day."

  5. "Dear [Decorator's Name] and [Florist's Name], Your creative genius and artistic flair made our wedding venue a dream come true. Thank you for your dedication to making our day magical."

  6. "To Our Amazing Decorators and Florists, Your attention to detail and breathtaking designs created a fairy-tale setting for our wedding. We are thankful for your artistry."

  7. "Dear [Decorator's Name] and [Florist's Name], Your decoration and floral arrangements added an element of grandeur to our wedding venue. We appreciate your hard work and dedication."

  8. "To Our Wonderful Decorators and Florists, Your ability to transform our vision into reality was truly remarkable. Thank you for making our wedding day so beautifully unforgettable."

  9. "Dear [Decorator's Name] and [Florist's Name], Your talent in creating a visually stunning atmosphere for our wedding was exceptional. We are grateful for your artistic contributions."

  10. "To Our Skilled Decorators and Florists, Your creativity and dedication in decorating our wedding venue made our day more beautiful than we could have ever imagined."

Close Friends and Extended Family:

  1. "Dear Close Friends and Extended Family, Your presence and support at our wedding meant the world to us. We are grateful for the love and joy you brought to our special day."

  2. "To Our Beloved Close Friends and Extended Family, Your presence was a reminder of the bonds we cherish. Thank you for celebrating with us and making our wedding unforgettable."

  3. "Dear Friends and Extended Family, Your love and support have been a constant in our lives. Thank you for sharing in the joy of our wedding day and for being a part of our journey."

  4. "To Our Dear Friends and Extended Family, Your presence added warmth and love to our wedding celebration. We are thankful for the cherished moments we shared together."

  5. "Dear Friends and Extended Family, Your love and encouragement have been a source of strength for us. Thank you for joining us in celebrating our love on our wedding day."

  6. "To Our Wonderful Friends and Extended Family, Your presence at our wedding made our day complete. We are grateful for the bonds we share and for the memories we created together."

  7. "Dear Friends and Extended Family, Your support and well-wishes mean the world to us. Thank you for being a part of our wedding day and for being there for us always."

  8. "To Our Amazing Friends and Extended Family, Your love and laughter filled our wedding day with joy. We appreciate your presence and the memories we created together."

  9. "Dear Friends and Extended Family, Your warmth and love added to the happiness of our wedding day. Thank you for celebrating with us and for being a cherished part of our lives."

  10. "To Our Treasured Friends and Extended Family, Your presence at our wedding was a reflection of the love and connections we hold dear. We are grateful for your unwavering support."

Wedding Guests:

  1. "Dear Wedding Guests, Your presence at our wedding filled our hearts with joy. Thank you for celebrating with us and for being a part of our special day."

  2. "To Our Wonderful Wedding Guests, Your love and well-wishes surrounded us on our wedding day. We are thankful for your presence and for making our celebration complete."

  3. "Dear Guests, Your attendance at our wedding made it an unforgettable day. We appreciate the love and happiness you brought to our special occasion."

  4. "To Our Amazing Guests, Your warm smiles and heartfelt congratulations made our wedding day even more special. Thank you for celebrating with us and for being a part of our love story."

  5. "Dear Wedding Guests, Your love and support have been a blessing in our lives. Thank you for sharing in the joy of our wedding day and for your continued love and friendship."

  6. "To Our Treasured Wedding Guests, Your presence was a gift that we will always cherish. We are grateful for the love and good wishes you shared with us on our special day."

  7. "Dear Guests, Your attendance at our wedding added to the happiness of our celebration. Thank you for joining us in the beginning of this beautiful journey together."

  8. "To Our Wonderful Wedding Guests, Your warm hearts and kind words made our wedding day truly special. We appreciate your love and support as we embark on this new chapter."

  9. "Dear Guests, Your presence at our wedding was a reflection of the love and connections we hold dear. Thank you for sharing in our joy and for being a part of our story."

  10. "To Our Cherished Wedding Guests, Your love and good wishes are treasures we will carry with us on our journey together. Thank you for making our wedding day memorable."


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical wedding thank you card wording?

Typical wedding thank you card wording includes expressing gratitude for the guest's attendance, gifts, and support. It often begins with a warm greeting, followed by specific mentions of the gift or gesture received and how it's appreciated. The message usually ends with another expression of thanks and sometimes includes a closing thought about the future.

What should you write in a thank you card?

In a thank you card, you should express your sincere appreciation for the recipient's kindness, support, or gift. Be specific about what you're thanking them for and why it meant so much to you. Personalize the message by mentioning a specific detail or memory related to the gift or gesture. Conclude with another expression of gratitude and warm wishes.

What is the best way to thank wedding guests?

The best way to thank wedding guests is through handwritten thank you cards. Personalized messages that mention the guest's name, the gift they gave, and your appreciation for their presence and support are highly appreciated. Sending these cards in a timely manner, ideally within a few months of the wedding, shows your sincerity.

Who should write wedding thank yous?

Typically, both the bride and groom should write wedding thank you cards. It's a shared responsibility to express gratitude to guests, and it's a meaningful way for the couple to acknowledge the love and support they've received.

How do you start wedding thank you cards?

You can start wedding thank you cards with a warm greeting, such as "Dear [Guest's Name]," or "Hello [Guest's Name]," followed by an expression of gratitude. For example, "Thank you so much for..." or "We are truly grateful for..."

How do you say thank you meaningfully?

To say thank you meaningfully, be specific about what you're thankful for, express your genuine emotions, and use sincere and heartfelt language. Mention the recipient's name and the specific gift or gesture you're thanking them for. Sharing personal anecdotes or explaining how their kindness touched you can make your thanks even more meaningful.

Is it rude not to send thank you cards after a wedding?

Yes, it is considered rude and disrespectful not to send thank you cards after a wedding. Thank you cards are a way to acknowledge and appreciate the time, effort, and gifts that guests have contributed to your special day. Failing to send them can leave a negative impression and may be seen as a lack of gratitude.

Do you have to handwrite wedding thank yous?

Handwriting wedding thank you cards is the traditional and most personal approach. It adds a personal touch and shows that you took the time and effort to express your gratitude. While typing or printing thank you cards is an option, handwritten notes are more heartfelt and appreciated by recipients.

Modern Pink Paper Author - Dalia Abdalla

Dalia Abdalla

Owner & Head Designer, Modern Pink Paper

Dalia is the creative force behind Modern Pink Paper. With a keen eye for detail and a love for all things stationery, she embarked on this journey to provide personalized stationery solutions. When she's not crafting beautiful paper creations, Dalia is sharing her insights and inspirations on this blog, ensuring that her readers always have a touch of beauty and creativity in their lives.